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Pour Paintings

For this project, students reviewed the works of Ellen Frankenthaler, who is famous for her pour paintings. In order to create her paintings, she would roll out 30 to 40 feet of canvas, fill up buckets of paint, and pour them on the canvas to produce her desired effect. Once the canvas was dry, she would choose the best parts to crop and frame. Years later, this style of painting has become a YouTube obsession. Artists, some with viral videos, have since come up with all sorts of creative techniques to make pour paintings. In order to create these paintings, students layered several colors in a cup and flipped it over onto their canvas to produce vibrant and exciting color mixes and designs. While some of these effects happened by luck, the students did have control over where the paint was poured, how much to move the canvas around, and which colors were poured. They learned so much about how colors interact through this! Be sure to enjoy these whimsical paintings. 

For a close-up view with the artist's name, click on the image.

Antonio Mogollon Grade 6
Ella Garcia Grade 6
Marcos Fontaine Grade 6
Marcos Fontaine Grade 6 Close-up
Andrea Leibowitz Grade 6
Marco Vilarino Grade 6
Nicolas Saladrigas Grade 6
Miranda Borges Grade 6
Emma LaRocca Grade 6
Emma LaRocca Grade 6
Elizabeth Braceras Grade 6
Brooke Schafer Grade 6 Close-up
Brooke Schafer Grade 6
Ana Albornoz Grade 6
Sara Bulnes Grade 6
Peter Casey Grade 6 Close-up
Peter Casey Grade 6
Peter Casey Grade 6
Olivia Garcia Grade 6
Olivia Garcia Grade 6 Close-up

Celebrating Our Bulldog Artists!

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